Departmental Seminar: Evolutionary Biology

Summer Term 2025

Tuesdays 11:30-13:00
Lecture Hall 3, University of Vienna Biology Building, Djerassiplatz 1, 1030 Vienna

300142 SE Evolutionary Biology (2025S)
Departmentalseminar for Masterstudents
2.00 ECTS (1.00 SWS), SPL 30 - Biologie
Continuous assessment of course work

Book the timeslot for your talk here!


March 4th Andreas Wanninger
General information
Daniel Stadtmauer (Pavlicev)
Cell Type Co-Evolution in Mammalian Pregnancy
March 11th Daniel Kaindlstorfer (Gollmann)
Population size estimation and distribution analyses of an allochthonous viper population using a capture - recapture approach.
March 18th Haijing Sun (Wanninger)
Cambrian hyoliths and early evolution of lophotrochozoans
March 25th Tobias Leister (Ahnelt)
Invasive gobiid fishes (Gobiidae) as hosts for native freshwater mussels (Unionidae) in oxbows of the Danube in Austria
Nikolaos Papadopoulos
Single-cell RNA-seq data: behind the curtain
April 1st Sara Angjeliu (Kratochvil)
Aktivitätsmessungen an kleinen Bodentieren mittels moderner Körperschallmessmethoden
Florian Bacher (Gollmann)
Geografische Cluster innerhalb der Art Ahaetulla prasina (BOIE, 1827)? Pholidotische und biometrische Untersuchungen an Museumsexemplaren
April 8th Philipp Kayl (Gollmann)
Habitat structures of the midwife toad (Alytes obstetricans LAURENTI, 1768) in Luxembourg: Investigation of causes of endangerment as a basis for conservation measures
April 29th Markus Grams (Wanninger)
Joining forces in malacostracan phylogeny - New approaches for combining morphological and phylogenomic data
Christoph G Höpel (Wanninger)
Comparative phylogeography and speciation in correlation with glaciation and cave colonization in Tasmanian mountain shrimps (Anaspides, Anaspidacea, Crustacea)
Patrick Frühwirth (Andreas Wanninger)
MicroRNA discoveries in the arrow worm
May 6th Thomas Bartolomaeus (Schwaha)
May 13th Leon Klaus (Schwaha)
The ctenostome bryozoan family Clavoporidae: diversity and description of new taxa
Maximillien Jadin (Wollesen)
Spiralian adhesive systems
May 20th Ines Müller (Brenneis)
Comparative study of SIFamidergic neurons in the euchelicerate CNS
Joshua Rolke (Haring)
Thorny-headed worms (Acanthocephala) of freshwater fishes of the Danube: comparison of modern and historical distribution
May 27th Lisa Kindler (Wanninger)
Expression of so-called“segmentation genes” in a vermiform gastropod mollusk - the story continues
Emese Tóth (Mitteröcker)
Evolution of Senescence
Ricky V. Bichler (Kriwet)
The morphological evolution of epilithic algae matrix (EAM) feeding coral reef fishes and the interaction of them with their environment through earth history in the aspect of future changes in reefs due to climate change.
June 3rd Sophie Pohlert (Pavlicev)
Metabolomics of uterine decidualization in mammals
Cora Lenz (Wanninger)
Morphology of a vermetid gastropod
June 10th Filip Šetena (Wanninger)
Transcriptomics of a vermetid gastropod
Maria Serracanta Fernandez (Wanninger)
Expression of "segmentation genes" in a polyplacophoran mollusk
Martina Darwich (Pavlicev, Renner)
Migrating birds and rising temperatures - Influence of climate change on wing length of assorted migratory song birds in Europe
June 17th Gudrun Schwarze (Wanninger)
Morphogenesis of a vermetid gastropod with a focus on Myogenesis and Neurogenesis
Matthias Macourek (Wanninger)
Fox gene expression in a polyplacophoran mollusk (Acanthochitona fascicularis)
Katharina Weiss (Schwaha)
Freshwater Bryozoa of the Wood Quarter in time and space
June 24th Paul Arthur Höller (Brenneis)
Nervous system development in sea spiders.