Internal Events

Monthly Breakfast of the Department of Evolutionary Biology

The Department of Evolutionary Biology meets once a month to have breakfast together. Usually the get-togethers take place every second Tuesday of the month (except for holiday related postponements).

UBB - big kitchen next to the meeting room (5.021) on the 5th floor

Summer term 2024

  • Faschingsdienstag
    Tuesday, 13.2.2024
    10:00-11:30 Krapfen-Breakfast - big kitchen in the 5th floor 
  • Tuesday, 19.3.2024
    10:00-11:30 Breakfast - big kitchen in the 5th floor 
  • Wednesday, 10.4.2024 ALL-DAY EVENT
    10:00-17:00 Weisswurstessen - big kitchen in the 5th floor 
  • Tuesday, 14.5.2024
    10:00-11:30 Greek Breakfast - big kitchen in the 5th floor
  • Tuesday, 11.6.2024
    10:00-11:30  Breakfast - big kitchen in the 5th floor