Welcome to the Department of Evolutionary Biology!

The Department of Evolutionary Biology seeks to understand the evolution of animal form, function, and diversity by combining comparative, developmental, and theoretical approaches. The department consists of two units, Integrative Zoology and Theoretical Biology. 



Eileen Leder MSc

Population analysis of the European Green Toad (Bufotes viridis) in Donaufeld, Vienna


New paper in Organisms Diversity & Evolution

Digging into boring bryozoans: new characters and new species of Immergentiidae


New paper in Zoological Letters

Boring life: early colony formation and growth in the endolithic bryozoan genus Penetrantia Silén, 1946


New paper in BMC Biology

The venom and telopodal defence systems of the centipede Lithobius forficatus are functionally convergent serial homologues.


Susanne Reier PhD

Elucidating phylogeographic patterns of minnows in complex aquifers of the Dinaric Karst


Eyleen Engel MSc

Cellular Composition at the Fetal-Maternal Interface of Guinea Pig


Vanessa Nowotny MSc

Spatial relationships of fire- bellied toads (Bombina bombina) in Upper Lobau (Nationalpark Donau- Auen, Vienna)


New paper in Neural Developement

Unfolding the ventral nerve center of chaetognaths.


New article in Schriften zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse

Der erste meeresbiologische Kurs des Institutes für Zoologie der Universität Wien in Rovinj (Kroatien)

 Upcoming talks:

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