Zoological collection
The Zoological Collection of the University of Vienna is a scientific reference collection which covers almost the entire animal kingdom. It comprises an estimated 500,000 specimens which are worldwide in origin but with an emphasis on the territory of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire. Its resources include alcohol-preserved anatomical, embryological and whole-mount preparations, vertebrate and invertebrate skeletons, histological sections, as well as some rare and historic scientific models from Blaschka (glass models of marine animals), Frič, and Ziegler (wax models), last but not least the scientific wall chart collection.
The Zoological Collection may be accessed for research or teaching purposes upon appointment.
Curator: Mihaela Pavlicev (email)
Collection manager: Simon Engelberger (email)
Phone: +43-1-4277-54406
Research infrastucture
Confocal Microscopy
Contact: Thomas Schwaha *
Light Microscopy
Contact: Thomas Schwaha *
Contact: Brian Metscher
Aqua Lab
Georg Brenneis &
Tim Wollesen
Image analysis
Brian Metscher &
Thomas Schwaha *
Slide Scanning
Thomas Schwaha
Contacts: Jan Engelhardt & Nikolaos Papadopoulos
*Device Booking
Online booking system for the devices via the university u:cloud.
For access authorisation please write an email to Thomas Schwaha listing all devices you want to be registered for.
Info-sheet "how to create your bookings" - pdf