Unit for Theoretical Biology
Department of Evolutionary Biology
As INTERREG AT-CZ GJM200 project partners at University of Vienna (2021-2022), we are developing three public-facing programs on the legacy of Gregor J. Mendel in collaboration with our strategic partners: the Natural History Museum of Vienna (NHM Wien) and the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI), Klosterneuburg. Led by Barbara Fischer, Lynn Chiu, and Philipp Mitterocker at University of Vienna, our mission is to combine theoretical insights from evolutionary biology, philosophy of biology, and science communication to deepen and enrich public engagement with Mendel's legacy in science and society. Our team includes Severin Bachmayer (student assistant and Mendel reenactor), Maria Pinto (filmmaker), Kathrin Gusenbauer (graphic designer), Magdalena Fischer (videographer), and Gernot Ensinger (Mendel reenactor). In collaboration with the Deck50 immersive science space of Natural History Museum of Vienna, we are situating Mendel's work under a broader conception of inheritance and bring alive his life, science, and legacy through an interactive theater, a science quiz, a laboratory activity, and a science-art game. At the KLI, we are organizing a public symposium to promote critical reflections on the impact and legacy of Mendel's work in five areas: history of biology, biology, science education, medicine, and society. Our project partners include the Augustinian Abbey of Brno, Masaryk University, and BOKU.
Visit our main project site: https://gjm200.cz/
Visit our project site: https://www.mendel200-vienna.com/