MicroCT-based analysis of chemically perturbed axis formation in zebrafish


Anne Petrasko

MSc Student (Adv. Brian Metscher)
Unit for Theoretical Biology, Department of Evolutionary Biology
University of Vienna


Chemically inducing a wavy notochord and associated developmental timepoint-specific alterations in zebrafish embryogenesis provides a versatile tool for phenotype analysis and  allows to thereby address the underlying morphogenetic processes.
High-resolution x-ray microtomographic (microCT) image data of the treated/untreated zebrafish embryos can help to gain insight into the emerging micromorphological phenotypic variability and to implement it in a broader conceptual framework.
The connections between (re)generative capacities/immune capacities, retinoid metabolism/signaling and other developmental factors build the theoretical scheme under which chemically induced phenotypic changes were analyzed. These factors include signals that are regulated via diverse signaling pathways (MAPK, Shh, nodal, FGF); available ion levels and certain other physiological and biophysical features needed for proper functionality of crucial processes in development, regeneration and homeostasis (cell adhesion, cell migration, autophagy,..) in tissues and forming organs. The integration of similar phenotypes into a model that aims to understand the multimodality and interconnectivity of pathways that lead to the same morphological outcome via different mechanisms was one major goal of this study. The design of prospective experiments (CC, TE, phenotype analyis) addressing specific disease phenotypes (e.g. various degenerative diseases,..) was another goal.