PhD Student
Supervisors: Luise Kruckenhauser
Natural History Museum Vienna;
Unit for Integrative Zoology, Department of Evolutionary Biology
University of Vienna
My doctoral project consists in population genomics of large branchiopods in the Pannonian region. Large branchiopods are a charismatic group of crustaceans found almost exclusively in temporary water-bodies and are a well-suited model for the ecology of these ecosystems. My project is a component of the FWF-funded project P35689-B, “Bridging the gap between population genetics and historic land-scape ecology for large Branchiopods”. This project aims to assess the impact of human activities on large branchiopod populations by integrating population genomics with species distribution modelling and analyses of historic land use. My role in this project is to conduct the population genomic analyses focusing on two species, Triops cancriformis (Notostraca) and Leptestheria dahalacensis (Spinicaudata). Specimens will be subjected to genomic analyses using ddRAD sequencing for fresh material or hyRAD sequencing for historic material. The resulting subsets of genomes will enable me to assess population genetic structure both between localities and over time. In addition, COI DNA barcoding will be performed for all species in the area.