Ernst-Jünger-Preis für Entomologie 2023


Ulrike Aspöck

The Ernst-Jünger Prize for Entomology was donated by the state of Baden-Württemberg on the occasion of the 90th birthday of the writer Ernst Jünger. In addition to his literary work, Ernst Jünger was interested in entomology throughout his life and was a passionate beetle collector.

This year the State Museum of Natural History in Stuttgart will present the renowned Science Prize of the State of Baden-Württemberg on behalf of the Ministry of Science, Research and Art to Univ.-Prof.Dr. Ulrike Aspöck on September 12th, 2023. (Folder)


Prof. Krogmann überreicht Prof. Ulrike Aspöck Urkunde und die Blumen.

(© SMNS, A. Staniczek)


von links nach rechts:

Laudator Prof. Dr. Michael Ohl, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Univ.-Prov. Dr. Horst Aspöck, Medizinische Universität Wien, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike Aspöck und Prof. Dr. Lars Krogmann, Direktor des Staatlichen Museums für Naturkunde Stuttgart.

(© SMNS, A. Staniczek)