Welcome to the Department of Evolutionary Biology!

The Department of Evolutionary Biology seeks to understand the evolution of animal form, function, and diversity by combining comparative, developmental, and theoretical approaches. The department consists of two units, Integrative Zoology and Theoretical Biology. 



Master's Defensio

Kristin Szydlik

Seasonal Change of Body Condition in a Population of Fire Salamanders (Salamandra salamandra) in Vienna


Paul Arthur Höller

Characterization of neurogenic cell types in Pycnogonum litorale (Strøm, 1762) via gene expression studies


New paper in Entomologica Austriaca

Thorax temperature of butterflies (Papilionoidea) in natural habitats of Austria.


New review in Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology

The quagga mussel, Dreissena rostriformis: a novel model for EcoEvoDevo, environmental research, and the applied sciences.


New paper in Zoologischer Anzeiger

Comparative ultra-microscopy unraveling the regressive evolutionary signals: Insights from adaptation to extreme environment.


New paper in Journal Europäischer Orchideen

Pollination biology, morphology, taxonomy of some small flowered species of the Ophrys holosericea aggr. in the East Egean region of Greece.


New paper in Zoological Letters

Ecology of endolithic bryozoans: colony development, growth rates and interactions of species in the genus Immergentia.


Max Hämmerle

The development of the skeletomusculature in the sea spider Pycnogonum litorale (Strøm, 1762) - with first insight into chelicerate...


New paper in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society

Recurrent evolution of breathing microtunnel system in terrestrial operculate snails (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda: Cyclophoroidea)

 Upcoming talks:

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