Welcome to the Department of Evolutionary Biology!

The Department of Evolutionary Biology seeks to understand the evolution of animal form, function, and diversity by combining comparative, developmental, and theoretical approaches. The department consists of two units, Integrative Zoology and Theoretical Biology. 



New paper in PNAS

The extension of mammalian pregnancy required taming inflammation: Independent evolution of extended placentation in the tammar wallaby



New paper in PNAS

No birth-associated maternal mortality in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) despite giving birth to large-headed neonates


New paper in Frontiers in Zoology

Explosive regeneration and anamorphic development of legs in the house centipede Scutigera coleoptrata


New article Media Portal of the University of Vienna

An Unexpected Result: The Mammalian Inner Ear is a Striking Example of Convergent evolution


New paper in Nature Communications

Convergent evolution in Afrotheria and non-afrotherians demonstrates high evolvability of the mammalian inner ear.


Lukas Humer

Vergleich aller Entwicklungsstadien der Samtschrecke Peruphasma schultei hinsichtlich Morphologie der Mandibeln und Fraßspuren


New paper in Molecular Biology and Evolution

A Novel Expression Domain of extradenticle Underlies the Evolutionary Developmental Origin of the Chelicerate Patella


New Paper in Acta ZooBot Austria

Relevance of teaching species knowledge in times of biodiversity crisis.


Sebastian H. Decker

Boring bryozoans: systematics and life history of the endolithic families Penetrantiidae and Terebriporidae

 Upcoming talks:


eDNA-based analysis of arthropod communities in the canopy of native and non-native tree species


Visual Rhetorics in Science


Seasonal Changes of Body Condition in a Population of Fire Salamanders (Salamandra salamandra) in Vienna


Axis determination and left-right asymmetry in a vermetid gastropod